My Friday Confessionals...

1) I still love the Rebecca Black song Friday Friday....and I don't care who knows it.
2) I need to get this one off my chest...G, I stopped at McDonalds and got a bacon and cheese biscuit no egg on my way to work and I LOVED every bite of it. Thats what happens when you don't make my breakfast smoothie for me in the morning. Wheww, I feel much better now.
4) I can't wait to go to Tar-jhayy. B.H. called me and told me he saw floppy hats there. Although I'm sure it was probably a fisherman bucket hat or something and not really anything like the floppy hat I am wanting, but sweet brother bear tries to be helpful. Bless his heart. We shall see.
5) I'm becoming a nervous wreck waiting to hear about my second round of interviews. #pleaseGod
(Are hashtags acceptable while blogging?)
6) I think I have made up my mind to go back blonde for Summer.
7) I have a Sperry addiction and I feel like it would be okay to buy every pair offline because its FREE SHIPPING. Thats totes worth it right?
8) I'm sorry for rambling on this morning, I have had 2 cups of coffee. And by sorry I mean you're welcome. :)
9) I really do get stronger on my second drink. and wittier. and a better singer. and sometimes friendlier or meaner.... Is meaner a word? That looks funny.
10) These confessions could go on all day, I should stop now...