Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bless your heart and the USA.

Of course other than that whole freedom thing...A few reasons I love America.
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What colors are better than red, white and blue?

We have George Strait and George Bush.


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Fast food and plenty of options.  I know often this is stated negatively but you won't hear that around here.  I love me some fast food.  Besides what better place  to have plenty of fast food than America, there are thousands of gyms and weight loss options.  Don't blame McD's people.


Train wrecks, plenty of them for our entertainment purposes.  I'll be honest I don't dabble too much in wordly affairs I usually stick to the U S of A but I'm think we just might have more of these train wrecks than other countries.  Heck I think other countries send their potential train wrecks to America to derail.  Cough cough...the Beibs, Ozzy, Amy Winehouse must I really go on?  Let your crazy flag fly.

Movies.   America has the best movies.

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Honey Boo Boo.   That just isn't something you can find anywhere folks.  That is straight up American bred.

While the list goes on with plenty more reasons of why I love America I don't want to make this a novel so I will just stop right there with my top favs.

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  1. Yay! I did an I heart America post today too. But with more music and pictures and less words because I am lazy. ;)

  2. Hell yeah for Honey Boo Boo! HAHA

  3. HAHAHA! L-O-V-E this post.

  4. Love this! haha. Good examples of quintessential America, right there! And we Americans just love it. lol

  5. PS - Is that "Drunken Monkey" in Austin on 6th street?
